Recording Secretary, Marcia Nembhard

The executive committee meets at least once between sessions, communicating regularly through Internet. It's made up of officers including vice presidents from each of the seven regions: Africa, Asia, Caribbean, Europe, North America, South Pacific, and South America.
Marcia Nembhard

From Jamaica, a devoted Christian, Marcia Nembhard, has spent over four decades exemplifying unwavering faith, active service, and a commitment to lifelong learning. Grounded in the teachings of the Lighthouse Seventh Day Baptist Church, she has been a beacon of light within the Jamaican S.D.B. Conference and beyond.

Faithful Service: For Marcia Nembhard, being a practicing Christian isn't merely a label—it's a calling. From 1979, she actively contributed to the Albion Mountain, Port Maria and Lighthouse Seventh Day Baptist Churches, where the vibrancy of her faith found expression in roles such as clerk, Sabbath School teacher, and a dedicated member of the deaconate. Serving on numerous committees, she tirelessly worked to strengthen the spiritual fabric of her church community.

Conference Leadership: The wider Christian community has benefited greatly from Marcia Nembhard's leadership within the Jamaica S.D.B. Conference. Starting as the assistant recording secretary in July 2022, she efficiently served until August 2023 and currently holds the esteemed position of Corresponding Secretary. This journey has not only deepened her connection with the church but also allowed her to play an instrumental role in fostering unity and growth.

National Intercessory Prayer Force: Understanding the power of prayer, Marcia Nembhard is a vital member of the National Intercessory Prayer Force, embodying the Christian value of seeking divine guidance and interceding for the welfare of others. This commitment extends beyond the walls of the church, reflecting her dedication to the broader spiritual well-being of the nation.

Educational Pursuits: In the pursuit of knowledge, Marcia Nembhard exemplifies the Christian principle of lifelong learning. Armed with a Bachelor of Education and Masters of Education from the esteemed University of the West Indies, she continued her educational journey, earning a Masters of Science from London South Bank University. As an educator at the tertiary level, she channels this wealth of knowledge to inspire and empower future generations.

Values: At the core of Marcia's identity are values deeply rooted in the Christian faith. Compassion, humility, and a commitment to serving others characterize her interactions with the world. Whether leading in church roles, praying for the nation, or shaping young minds in the educational arena, she remains steadfast in demonstrating the transformative power of Christian values.

Conclusion: "Journey of Faith and Service" is a testament to Marcia's enduring commitment to Christian principles, evident in her multifaceted roles within the church, educational sphere, and beyond. She serves as a living example of how faith, knowledge, and service can converge to create a life of purpose and impact.