Constitution of the Seventh Day Baptist World Federation

Constitution of the Seventh Day Baptist World Federation Written by Dale D. Thorngate, President

Article I. Name:

The name of the organization shall be Seventh Day Baptist World Federation. A tax-exempt organization authorized under IRS Code 501(c)(3) as indicated in IRS Publication 557, Chapter 3. Assets are permanently dedicated to tax-exempt purposes (past, present, and future) including in case of dissolution.

Article II. Authority

The Federation shall not have authority over any of its members.

Article III. Purpose

  1. To provide increased communication among Seventh Day Baptist groups throughout the world.
  2. To stimulate fellowship through periodic meetings of representatives, inter-conference/convention representative exchanges, or planned programs of mutual aid.
  3. To promote evangelistic and other projects of mutual interest which will benefit from international cooperation including arrangements for the handling of funds.
  4. To coordinate mutual endeavors through the office of a General Secretary.
  5. To receive and evaluate statements of need as may come to the Federation and to share such expression of need with its members, inviting their response as the Lord may lead.
  6. To act as a liaison for those individuals, recommended by a group of conference/convention, offering service or resource and apprising others of same.
  7. To make available, when feasible, counsel and expertise to Seventh Day Baptist groups throughout the world.
  8. To offer recognition when deemed advisable to developing Seventh Day Baptist movements.

Article IV. Membership

Section 1. Membership shall consist of those Seventh Day Baptist conferences/conventions or groups in all parts of the world who cooperate in the purpose of this Federation.

Section 2. A given Seventh Day Baptist conference/convention or group may apply for membership in the Federation through the office of the General Secretary, who shall ask for credentials, including their statement of belief, and basic information. Such information shall be placed in the hands of the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall examine the informational materials and if it deems wise, authorize the issuing of a ballot to the Seventh Day Baptist World Federation representatives. A two-thirds majority affirmative vote is required for the  conference/convention or group to be received into membership.

Article V. Representation

Representation shall be one (1) representative for each member organization plus one (1) representative for each one thousand (1,000) church members or fraction thereof; however, the total number of representatives from any single member group shall equal no more that one-fourth (1/4) of the total number of representatives of the Federation.

The president of the Federation shall be a representative-at-large.

Article VI. Officers

Section 1. The officers shall be: president, vice-presidents, recording secretary, treasurer, and General Secretary elected at the meeting of the Federation.

Section 2. Duties of Officers

  1. General Secretary
    1. to serve as a contact person among the members, each of whom shall designate a correspondent through whom these contacts may be made.
    2. to put into action procedures authorized by the Federation or Executive Committee.
    3. to make an annual report to all its members.
    4. represent the World Federation and travel to conferences in different parts of the world. (for more details see job descriptions from criteria list for nominating committee)
  2. Assistant to the General Secretary
    1. to assume duties when the General Secretary is unable.
  3. President
    1. preside at Executive Committee meetings and the World Federation meeting.
    2. represent the World Federation and travel to conferences in different parts of the world.
    3. develop the program for the Sessions in consultation with the General Secretary.
    4. provide leadership and vision for the Federation.
  4. Recording Secretary
    1. take minutes (notes) of sessions and distribute them within a month of the meetings.
    2. take minutes of Executive Committee meetings and distribute them within a month of the meetings.
    3. maintain files of meeting minutes
    4. participate in Executive Committee actions
  5. Treasurer
    1. receive funds from all member conferences.
    2. maintain financial records of the Federation.
    3. pay bills received using a voucher system as authorized by the General Secretary.
    4. report status of funds to every Executive Committee meeting.
    5. report status of funds to every session of the Federation.
    6. have financial records audited after every session.
  6. Vice Presidents (Regional)
    1. represent the Federation in their region.
    2. travel to member conferences, as funds are available.
    3. assist the General Secretary by providing statistics from the member conferences in their region.
    4. advertise Federation projects.
    5. be fundraisers for the Federation.
    6. encourage member conferences to provide information for the SDB World Newsletter.
    7. encourage cooperation and communication between regional conferences.
  7. First Vice President.
    1. assume duties of the President in the event that the office of President becomes vacant;
    2. preside over the meetings of the SDB World Federation’s Executive Committee in the absence of the President;
    3. carry out other duties as assigned by the President

Article VII Committees

Section 1. Executive Committee Duties:

  1. When a vacancy in an office occurs between sessions, the Executive Committee shall serve as a nominating committee, and the officer shall be elected by the polling of the representatives of the Federation
  2. The Executive Committee will appoint an editor and/or assistant editor of a communication paper to be published periodically.

Section 2. Other committees may be appointed by the Federation or its Executive Committee as need arises.

Section 3: A three member nominating committee shall be appointed by the General Secretary in consultation with the President to serve at each session of the World Federation. The nominating committee shall present only nominees with previous experience with the Federation for all elected Federation officers for election at the regular Seventh Day Baptist World Federation session. A member of the Nominating Committee cannot nominate themselves, however he or she can be nominated from the floor of the business session.

No one person may serve more than 15 consecutive years in an Executive office of the World Federation. The General Secretary and President may serve no more than 10 consecutive years in that office.

Section 4. The regular business of the World Federation is to be conducted either through its regularly scheduled sessions, or by virtual means in between sessions. In order for business to be transacted, a minimum of 25 delegates or delegates from 8 member conferences must be present

Article VIII Meetings

Section 1. Sessions of the Federation shall be held every five (5) years or as arranged by the Executive Committee in consultation with the members. 

Section 2. Representation at meetings of the Federation shall be one representative for each member organization plus one representative for each one thousand (1,000) church members or fraction thereof, plus the President of the Federation. 

Section 3. The meetings of the Federation shall be governed by Roberts Rules of Order, Newly Revised unless otherwise ordered by the Federation.

Article IX Finances

Section 1. The members of the Federation shall be encouraged to finance the work of this organization by funds contributed annually as God gives them ability. Additional support is welcomed from churches, groups, and individuals. 

Section 2. The Treasurer and General Secretary shall serve as the Finance Committee. A projected annual budget of the expenses of the Executive Committee shall be prepared and submitted to the Executive Committee for approval. (Vice Presidents are encouraged to share with the General Secretary what their expenditures have been on behalf of the World Federation to help him/her with making the budget and to allow others to see what is going on in the World Federation.)

Article X. Amendments

Amendments to this constitution shall be by vote of the representatives in regular session, or by balloting through correspondence. The adoption of an amendment shall be by two-thirds majority. The representatives shall be instructed by their respective group.

Article XI. Dissolution:

The assets of this Association/Federation are irrevocably dedicated to religious and charitable purposes, and no part of the assets or net income shall ever inure to the benefit of any officer or member thereof, or to the benefit of any private person. Upon the dissolution of the Association/Federation, its assets remaining after payment, or provision for payment, of all debts and liabilities shall be distributed to the Seventh Day Baptist Memorial Fund, Inc., of Janesville, Wisconsin or its successors to be used for purposes similar to those of the Federation. If the Seventh Day Baptist Memorial Fund is unable or unwilling to accept such assets, the assets shall be distributed to the Seventh Day Baptist General Conference of USA and Canada, Ltd., of Janesville, Wisconsin or its successors to be used for purposes similar to those of the Federation. In the event that neither of these organizations is able or willing to receive such assets, the assets shall be distributed to a non-profit fund, foundation or corporation which is organized and operated exclusively for Christian religious purposes and which has established its tax exempt status under Section 501c(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

Amended August 8, 1971

February 4, 1973

February 21, 1976

July 29, 2008

October 6, 2009

September 4, 2023

“A certified copy”

Luciano B. N. de Moura, President

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