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How to pray for SDB countries around the world (2024) Written by Douglas Machado & Andrew Samuels - News

The first week of January has marked over five decades during which Seventh Day Baptists worldwide have lifted united petitions to God. Each year since 1967, SDBs have engaged in a Week of Prayer, joining in meditations provided in a themed booklet prepared for this observance.

The 2024 Week of Prayer offers suggestions on how to consistently remember before the Lord the various circumstances and endeavors of our brothers and sisters established in different nations. Each day's focus draws us closer in spirit to our worldwide family, while strengthening our bond in the body of Christ.

Let us take full advantage of this opportunity to entwine supplications for our global communion. May our intercessions bless, encourage and empower fellow believers across every land to shine forth the light of Jesus through faithful witness, persevering love, and good works. 


One church; pray for the development of more churches and leaders.


The Association of Seventh Day Baptists in Australia comprises seven churches across the country, along with two churches as part of their Missionary Outreach in Pakistan. They conduct their weekly Sabbath School gatherings through Zoom. However, the association is currently facing a significant need for leaders and pastors, as two of their pastors have retired due to illness. Finding suitable replacements to fill these positions is a pressing concern for the association. More prayer concerns:

  • God to raise up and call committed leaders to fill pastoral vacancies and lead local churches/groups.
  • Willingness among members to take on roles in teaching, leading, and helping strengthen the SDB presence across Australia.
  • Perseverance and dedication for current believers as they continue advocating for SDBs, despite challenges.
  • Wisdom and provision to fully achieve the goals outlined in their 5-year ministry plan.
  • Blessing and growth through their online Zoom worship services and global outreach.
  • Ongoing fruitfulness of their international mission program in Pakistan.
  • Faithful financial giving and volunteering to sustain ministries and missionary projects.
  • Health, protection and renewed strength for Pastor Gabriel Alegre and all church leaders.
  • Unity of spirit, purpose and encouragement among members facing difficulties.
  • Open doors and favor as they recruit new pastors and construct local places of worship.
  • Divine guidance in discerning God's leadership direction for growing the SDB work.
  • God's continued favor to keep the lamp of SDB witness burning bright across Australia.


One church; pray for the success of their children’s ministries, their outreach efforts to primarily Hindu people, and the employment of a Bible worker in the field.


The Seventh Day Baptist General Conference in Brazil consists of around 90 churches with approximately 80 pastors and a total membership of around 4,000 individuals. Although there was a plan to conduct a new census during this administration, it was not possible due to the pandemic and the need to address other pressing priorities. Other ways to pray for the Brazilian Conference:

  • Continued success and expansion of the digital TIME theological seminary program.
  • Outreach and spiritual growth through the Official Bible School Streaming program on Fridays.
  • Deepening of spiritual life through Regional Pastors Conferences.
  • Placement of pastors in churches without pastoral leadership.
  • Establishment of new churches through active church planting across each state of Brazil.
  • Unity, identity and cooperation within the Brazilian SDB conference.
  • Continue equipping pastoral leaders from other nations such as Mozambique and Angola.
  • Protection, health, provision and fruitfulness over all pastors and members.
  • Wisdom and direction for conference leadership changing in 2024 for the next 4 years.


Despite facing challenges at the political and economic levels, the church officials have been dedicated in their efforts to maintain stability within the church, especially considering the prevalence of poverty among our church members in Burundi. Currently, there are 58 churches, with an additional 49 churches joining in May 2023 from a denomination called Body of Christ. The combined total of these 58 churches amounts to around 4,000 members. The church is supported by 23 pastors who serve in various capacities. More prayer concerns:

  • Spiritual maturity and resilience among members through difficult seasons.
  • Favor and speed in obtaining legal documents and meeting regulations.
  • Successful planting of new congregations and building of permanent worship spaces.
  •  Give thanks for the timely acquisition of property, and pray for completion of the planned headquarters complex.
  • Provision for envisioned projects enhancing education and healthcare.
  • Divine ideas and empowerment for sustainable community livelihood projects.
  • Supernatural wisdom and protection for church administrators amid complex politics.
  • Health, fruitfulness and divine guard over pastors serving faith communities.
  • Resources to continue infrastructure works like roof replacements and women's initiatives.
  • God’s hand of blessing sustaining congregations presently worshiping in villages.
  • Strengthening international support through expanded exposure and resource sharing.
  • Open reception as the church partners with communities on development endeavors.
  • Unified perseverance in uplifting each other through challenges of widespread poverty.
  • Swift resolution of remaining legal processes regarding property title clearance.


Pray for the strengthening of their witness and a deeper understanding of SDB beliefs and polity.

Canary Islands

Communication has been lost; pray for reconnection with us.


Pray for the planting of more churches both in the Greater Toronto area, and in provinces where there are none. Pray particularly for the First SDB Church of Toronto, having lost their Pastor less than two months ago.


Pray for their new conference leadership, the strengthening of their churches, and continued wisdom and guidance to mentor new churches and Pastors in other South American countries.


Pray for their new churches; for the strengthening of their spiritual foundations, a deeper understanding of SDB beliefs and polity, and expansion to plant even more churches

Democratic Republic of Congo

Pray for the success of their orphan ministry including the provision of school fees; pray for them to overcome political instability and a high crime rate. Pray for the identification of viable sustainable income-generating projects.


Pray for the church to be renewed in its relationship with us and for the success of outreach to other areas of the island; pray against hostility from government entities.


Following the pandemic, a significant portion of regular churchgoers have opted to attend services online. However, in terms of in-person attendance, there is an estimated total of 206 church members in 5 churches. The Guayaquil location is permanently closed. The church has various ministries, including the Caspigasi church plant, which also serves as an outreach program for underprivileged children and families, providing Bible studies and meals. They also host a free summer camp, serving 92 children this past year. In August 2023, another outreach program started offering workshops for women in the area, with a goal of conducting at least one interactive workshop or class per month. The community has responded positively, with 15 local women attending the most recent workshop. Additionally, the Quito church prepares "love baskets" of groceries each month for congregation members facing financial need, customizing the bags based on recipients' requested items. Some of our prayer requests are:

  • We need prayer for the steps we will need to take in the near future regarding the sale of our current property and the purchase of a new property that can serve multiple ministry purposes.
  • For ongoing ministry as they await direction on a new facility, including in-person and online worship.
  • For a future church plant in Valle de los Chillos Valley near Quito.
  • For leaders and pastors to receive strength, encouragement, and confirmation in their call to ministry.
  • A special prayer is for men who are willing to commit to the service of the Lord.
  • For opportunities to send Ecuadorian youth to serve at SCSC in the US.
  • Prayer is sought on legal issues regarding property deeds, particularly for the Caspigasi property.
  • For strength, unity, and growth as the conference navigates challenges from the COVID pandemic and transition of leadership and members.


Pray for resources for their group which consists of refugees from South Sudan and Ethiopia, and for the success of their sustainable project; pray for favor with the government so they will be able to stay in the country and be given proper status.


The United Kingdom SDB Conference aims to strengthen its structure, comply with regulations, and better serve its community through online presence, leadership training, youth ministry development, and hosting future conferences. It oversees 3 churches and 5 pastors. Projects during COVID-19 included online programs, seminars, and community support. Ongoing concerns are retaining Mill Yard Church and growth challenges due to limited funding. Prayers are requested for these matters and the following:

  • Mill Yard SDB Church (unity and members staying together)
  • Growth and diversity
  • Financial and resource challenges
  • Full-time ministers & full-time ministry staff
  • Spirit of volunteerism and giving


Success of their farm and animal projects which provide income for some families; proper mentoring of new leaders and groups.


Communication has been lost; pray for reconnection with us.


In Ghana, there are four Seventh Day Baptist (SDB) churches. There are three pastors and one lay pastor serving these churches. Some of the challenges include unemployment among some members, low-income earners, difficulty raising funds, lack of training materials for church workers, retaining new members, and a shortage of resource materials for training children, teens, and youth. More prayer requests:

  • Prayers to help achieve their visions and goals of building schools and health centers, planting churches in all regions, intensifying evangelism, and developing business opportunities for members.
  • Resources and materials to train youth and members for ministry.
  • Funds to support operations and expansion plans like purchasing land.
  • The success of their business initiative to purchase vehicles for members to earn a living and support the conference.
  • Funds to complete plans to build affordable housing to generate rental income.
  • Continued support for their quarterly community outreach programs providing aid to prisons, orphanages, schools for the disabled etc.
  • God's provision for challenges members face with unemployment and low incomes impacting fundraising abilities.


They lost their leader about three months ago; pray for new leadership, renewed vision, and encouragement for the future.


Over the past five years, the Guyana Seventh Day Baptist Conference of Churches has experienced the retirement of one pastor and the passing of two others. Despite these losses, the conference has achieved significant milestones under the leadership of former President Deacon Derrick Boston. The membership of the conference currently stands at 840 individuals, and future development projections include the comprehensive development of Camp Glory, the establishment of a modern church, a commercial farm, and improved accommodations. Training programs for pastors, the establishment of new churches, and partnerships for the recruitment and deployment of pastors are also part of the conference's vision. Prayer support is also requested for:

  • God's comfort and guidance over the loss of pastors through retirement and passing.
  • Growth in vibrant membership numbers from the current 840.
  • Resources and provisions for the development plan goals at Camp Glory by 2028 including:
  • Construction of a modern church
  • Establishment of a commercial farm
  • Building of well-appointed dormitories
  • Procurement of efficient transportation
  • Reconstruction of the church manse.
  • Configuring spaces for mission activities and commercial ventures.
  • Opening of a fully operational daycare center by 2024.
  • Training programs for new pastors and refresher courses.
  • Planting of one new church.
  • Partnership possibilities with WF for pastoral recruitment, training, and deployment.
  • Approval of applications for two additional pastors as marriage officers.
  • Unity, forgiveness, and effectiveness in community outreach and mission.


Pray for spiritual, economic, and political stability in the country so that worship can be without fear; pray against the high crime rate.


Four church congregations were established and church buildings were also constructed in the state of Andhra Pradesh. There's a total of 13 churches and 13 pastors. Please pray for the following reasons:

  • Conference Growth and Vision:
  • Pray for the growth and expansion of the Andhra Pradesh conference.
  • Seek God's guidance and provision in establishing additional 7 church congregations, reaching a total of 20 churches.
  • Pray for the construction of church buildings to support the growth of the conference.
  • Pray for the spiritual nourishment and growth of the conference members.
  • Seek God's provision for any financial or material needs of the conference.
  • Pray for the Kanan SDB Church in the state of Manipur, where there is unrest and instability.
  • Pray for the growth and development of the new churches in the states of Tripura and Mizoram
  • Orphanage Project:
  • Seek God's abundant provision and resources to be bestowed upon the establishment of the orphanage home. May His divine guidance and blessings be upon the property that has already been purchased for this purpose, enabling its transformation into a safe and nurturing haven for the children in need.
  • Pray for the well-being and care of the orphan children who will be served.


One small group exists there; they feel isolated because there are no other SDBs nearby; they need encouragement.

Ivory Coast

There are 3 churches there; they need their own church buildings, so they can stop renting; pray for them to develop sustainable projects, and for the fulfillment of the outreach and expansion vision they have for the future..


The conference has 35 churches and 6 emerging groups, with a total membership of around 1726. Currently, there are 24 pastors and 2 evangelists, with plans to assign missionary workers to churches. The conference's future plans include focusing on pastoral and leadership development, youth programs, church development, financial infrastructure, infrastructural development, and technological improvements. The aim is to implement these initiatives throughout the conference year, guided by the theme of "Trusting God to Lead - Motivated and Positioned for Success".

  • Spiritual and numerical growth
  • Financial development
  • Managing the generational and socio-cultural changes
  • Strengthening of leadership harmony
  • Evangelism and discipleship impact and denominational growth
  • Youth development
  • Male ministry and Children ministry
  • Moral, social, and ethical development
  • More ministers on the field
  • Mission in the Caribbean focusing on the planting of new churches where SDBs reside


The Kenya Seventh Day Baptist Conference consists of various officers and leaders overseeing different ministries within the conference. They currently have 30 local churches, with a membership of 800 and 45 pastors. The conference has been involved in ministries such as school outreach, healthcare outreach, orphan care, and gospel outreach. They have identified groups in need and have provided support to HIV/AIDS patients, tuberculosis patients, those with diabetes, and disabled individuals. The conference has future visions of constructing more branches and planting churches, reaching the entire country with the message of Christ and Seventh Day Baptist beliefs, and conducting outreach events. Some of their prayer concerns:

  • Regrowth of churches back to 40 from the current 30 churches.
  • Resources to support the primary school ministry.
  • Continued success of outreach ministries to vulnerable groups.
  • Resourcing of orphan care outreach ministry.
  • Expansion of gospel outreach to unreached areas.
  • Church planting and construction of more conference branches.
  • Evangelism of the entire Kenyan country.
  • Training of more pastors, elders, and evangelists.
  • Provision of an outreach van and PA system.
  • Construction of a conference center building.
  • Receiving more mission visitors for training, crusades, and medical camps.
  • Strengthening of international relationships and visitations.
  • Continued growth under God's guiding hand from 800 to 1000 members.
  • Resources sustain ongoing ministries and future vision.
  • Protection, health, and unity over membership and leadership.


There is a Seventh Day Baptist group that is being nurtured by Pastor Gabriel Bejjani in Riverside, California. The political and social conditions in the country are very difficult.


Pray for the SDB witness to be re–established.

Malawi (CAC)

The CAC has experienced growth over the past six years, with 211 branches and over 22,000 members. The CAC has built new churches and plans to continue construction and reconstruction projects. The Women's Ministry is active in singing, preaching, and social services. The Youth and Children's Ministry is being given more attention, with annual camp meetings and plans to introduce vocational skills training. The Social Service Department operates health centers and is committed to providing affordable healthcare. The department is seeking upgrades and improvements to facilities. The CAC also provides secular education through primary and secondary schools and plans to establish private schools. The CAC Secretariat coordinates the church's operations, supports pastors, and plans to visit other countries to strengthen relationships and learning opportunities. Some of the prayer concerns are:

  • Prayers and support for the ongoing church building and reconstruction projects across associations affected by floods.
  • Financial and human resources to come so the residential Bible College can become fully operational again.
  • Identification of resources and funding for pastoral training programs.
  • Resources for women's ministry workshops, especially in orphan care skills training.
  • Resources to introduce vocational skills training for youth at camps.
  • Continued infrastructure development, equipment, and upgrades for health centers to better serve remote communities.
  • Resources to establish mission schools to provide Christian education.
  • Financial support for secretariat operations and pastors' stipends amid lowered offerings from national disasters.
  • Qualified personnel and scholarships for Bible college and pastoral training programs.
  • Funding to purchase vehicles for secretariat and pastoral transport needs.
  • Fundraising support for roofing materials for incomplete church buildings.
  • Prayer for doctrinal unity and sound theological training to avert potential division.
  • Our four health facilities are still struggling with inadequate resources and infrastructure developments. We need your prayers and support to continue as this will be a big job and responsibility to manage


Currently has 7,156 members, 129 churches, and 33 pastors. The church has focused on increasing the number of churches, building a national headquarters in Nampula, training pastors, and encouraging offerings and tithing. Constraints faced by the church include a lack of transportation for pastors, the absence of ministries such as schools, hospitals, and orphanages, and a shortage of office facilities. Looking ahead, the church plans to prioritize evangelism and implement good management policies through collaboration with other Seventh Day Baptist conferences. More prayer concerns:

  • Continued growth in churches, members, and pastoral leadership.
  • Strength and protection over ongoing evangelism efforts.
  • Resources to complete construction of the national headquarters building.
  • Continued pastoral training through the TIME program.
  • Provision of means of transportation for pastoral visits, such as bikes and motorbikes.
  • Establishment of ministry centers like schools, hospitals, and orphanages.
  • Office equipment and resources for writing, reading, and administration.
  • Resources to implement good management policies and experience sharing.
  • Funds to complete the church registration payment process.
  • Purchase of at least one vehicle for transportation needs.
  • Deepening of international cooperation and support networks.
  • Ongoing assistance for new church building projects.
  • Continued guidance, wisdom, and spiritual fruitfulness.
  • Sustained giving through tithes and offerings.
  • Strengthening of Sabbath School and women's ministry groups.


3 churches, mostly older people; revival is needed.

New Zealand

Pray for collaboration among the churches, as well as the strengthening of the churches.


Pray for the completion of the ministry center on Corn Island, the growth of the youth and children’s ministries, as well as the establishing of additional churches.


The Seventh Day Baptist Conference in Nigeria has 14 churches. The church is facing difficulties from militant groups loyal to other religions, and oppression of Biafrans. Despite challenges, the work is growing through God's help to over 2215 members, though many suffer without basic needs. Requests include resources, evangelism, schools, transportation, leadership protection, and relief from violence and poverty. Other prayer requests include:

  • Continued spiritual growth and numerical increase despite challenges.
  • Safety, provision, and fruitfulness of gospel outreach efforts.
  • Impacting of communities through personal ministries and visitations.
  • Increased giving and faithfulness in stewardship.
  • Resources and stability for education programs.
  • Strength, protection, and guidance for pastoral leaders.
  • End to violence and oppression against Biafrans/Igbos.
  • Change of hearts towards more peace in leadership.
  • Relief from extreme poverty and economic hardship.
  • Protection as many worship in forests due to displacement.
  • Mobility resources like a van for expanded outreach.
  • Establishing training institutions like a seminary.
  • God's miracle working power in the dire situation in Nigeria.
  • Wisdom and strength for Elder Achor and conference leadership.


Pray for the effectiveness of ministries in schools and churches in Muslim and Hindu communities using the Bible as a textbook for reading; pray for the administration of the work being done by SDBs in Australia; pray for an open door for a visit to be made to the country.


The Philippines Association of Seventh Day Baptist Conferences (PASDBC) has undergone several developments and challenges in recent years. The vision of PASDBC is to promote unity and equality among the Seventh Day Baptist Conferences in the Philippines, aiming to help them reach their full potential in fulfilling the Great Commission. As of now, the estimated total membership for the three conferences Isaiah 1, spread across 18 churches.

  • Pray for their Ministry expansion and Pastor's Ordination Plan.
  • Help to pray that through this conference many will convert and encounter Jesus and they will also be strengthened enough to face the end-time realities of handling God's Ministry.
  • Pray that they will have church buildings for Sabbath worship observance.
  • Pray that among them there will be people that are willing to sacrifice and invest finances for their church-building desire.
  • Pray that God will provide for the coming USDB Pastors and Leaders equipping training.
  • May God also continue to provide for our invested SDB TIME TRAINING PROGRAM through SMART teaching Concept.
  • Help pray that organizing the Harmony of Praise (HOP) or End Time Music Warriors may help our Young Generation stay spiritually focused and those who need to recover may do so through the Moral Recovery Program.
  • Help also pray that the BCLC Preschool may help the little children to be nurtured about the goodness of God and develop their academics; and may the parents of the preschool children also encounter God.
  • May this school also exist for God's Ministry expansion.
  • Help pray that through this association God's purpose of UNIFICATION is realized.
  • Pray that the designated association officers may be blessed by God to be more useful for God's purpose of His Kingdom expansion and real unity may be realized.
  • Please help pray that the coming Pastors' conference on May 2024 in Camotes SDB Church will have success and God's provision upon us; this is for the sake of stabilizing relationships and equipping more Pastors and Leaders.


Pray for strong faith in the midst of great spiritual apathy in Eastern Europe. Pray for boldness to continue to minister to neighboring Ukrainians recently displaced by the Russian invasion of their country. Pray for the strengthening of the witness of their churches, and the starting of new churches.


The SDB Rwanda Conference is currently comprised of 23 churches or groups, with a collective membership of 2,192 individuals and are supported by a total of 25 pastors. These local churches are situated in four out of five provinces and 11 out of 30 districts across Rwanda. Out of the 23 churches, 12 have their own dedicated buildings and have successfully reopened following the COVID-19 pandemic. However, five churches possess buildings that remain closed due to government-mandated hygiene measures. Despite the restrictions, members of these churches continue to gather with their families in homes for worship. Additionally, five churches do not possess their own land and likewise gather in homes for worship. Some of their prayer concerns:

  • Continued growth and expansion of churches and membership.
  • Resources and support to reopen closed churches and purchase land for churches without property.
  • Construction of a conference headquarters building that meets government requirements.
  • Training and ordaining of more pastors to meet government standards.
  • Means of transportation for evangelism outreach.
  • Relief from poverty impact of COVID-19 and climate disasters on members.
  • Increased capacity and sustainability of livelihood and income-generating projects.
  • Publishing of a second hymnbook edition.
  • The success of education centers like nursery, primary and vocational training.
  • Strengthening of international relationships, particularly in East Africa.
  • Resources to support preaching the gospel through community radio.
  • Guidance and provision as new churches are planted in unreached districts.
  • Continued blessing and guidance over the conference, leadership, and membership.

Sierra Leone

Pray for the completion of the construction of a new SDB school, and for the SDB schools to be fully registered with the government; pray for courage to remain true to their convictions in the face of temptations. Pray for unity among the conference leadership.

South Africa

Pray for revival among their churches, and the ability to overcome discouragement; pray for a new generation of leaders to be raised up. Pray for a connection between Malawian and Burundian SDBs who have migrated to South Africa, as well as with native South African SDBs.

South Korea

Pray for reconnection in communication.

South Sudan

Pray for the new groups that have started and the continued effectiveness of their outreach ministries. Pray for political stability in the country.


Pray for their efforts to start new churches, unity among all the leaders and churches, and their ministry to refugees.


The SDB Uganda Conference has made significant progress in churches, orphanages, and development projects. However, one project has remained inactive due to failing to meet government requirements. The conference also faces challenges such as the lack of churches in towns, limited resources, and the need for sports materials for children. In terms of churches, the Seeta Nazigo SDB Church and Bulijjo Chapel have memberships consisting of local villagers and orphanage children, respectively. The Kyegegwa SDB Church operates in a refugee camp, relying on donations, while the Mukula SDB Church has made progress in improving its building and engages in agricultural activities for funding. The conference also acknowledges the need for training youth in SDB principles and expresses gratitude for the support received. Other prayer concerns:

  • For the Maranatha Seeta Nazigo SDB church and its orphanage to receive continued support and improvement, to meet government standards, and to operate fully.
  • For the completion of the new classroom block for the orphanage in Bulijjo and for the well-being of the children studying there.
  • For increased membership and financial support for the Seeta Nazigo SDB church.
  • For the acquisition of a projector for the Bulijjo Chapel to show Christian movies.
  • For the well-being and provision of basic needs for the Kyegegwa SDB church in the refugee camp.
  • For the completion of church building renovations and funds for reopening the school at the Mukula SDB church in Soroti.
  • For spiritual growth and fellowship for the members of the Lukaaga chapel.
  • For the successful implementation and operation of the Uganda Pride Poultry Farm project.
  • For training and guidance for the youth leaders in the SDB churches.
  • For the SDB Uganda conference to overcome the challenges of being in rural areas, lack of headquarters offices, and limited resources like Bibles, Hymnals, and sports materials.
  • For the general well-being and blessings of all the members and supporters of the SDB Uganda conference.


Pray for the re-establishment of contact with people displaced by the Russian invasion. Pray for an end to the Russian occupation.

United States of America

The SDB General Conference is dedicated to fostering fellowship and partnerships with believers worldwide, with a focus on advancing God's kingdom and spreading the Gospel. The Conference comprises 73 member congregations and 43 other congregations, with a total membership of 4,146 in the USA and Canada. They increased focus on ministry to the Spanish-speaking community, engaging in translation initiatives and collaborating with the SDB Missionary Society and SDBs in Ecuador. The Conference emphasizes pastoral and ministry training, financial reorganization, and church planting efforts. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the Conference supported local churches in transitioning to online services and utilizing digital tools for connection. Looking ahead, they plan to focus on leadership development, aiming to cultivate healthy churches and leaders while remaining faithful to Jesus Christ. Their vision includes an increase in the number of SDBs in North America and the growth of churches and expressions of faith through their pursuit of healthy faithfulness. Some of their prayer concerns are:

  • That God would raise a generation of new leaders who can lead our Conference during challenging times
  • That we who have the responsibility to train them would both empower the younger generation to lead but also encourage them through what wisdom and experience we have available to us.
  • The COVID season revealed in our Conference both divisions and a significant number of members who did not persist following the end of the lockdowns. This represents a relational and numerical loss we are still recovering from even as we make plans for our future.
  • Please pray for unity in spirit and purpose among SDBs in North America in these times for the building of God’s kingdom in us and through us. We are confident that God is working in our midst and that his power is sufficient to do what he has called us to do
  • We multiply healthy churches, healthy leaders, and the rest of God in Jesus Christ
  • Leadership development is a key area of important development as our largest cohort of leaders is aging and we lack the young leaders to replace those who are transitioning out of leadership


The growth of the Seventh Day Baptist (SDB) Church in Zambia can be attributed to several factors. Firstly, the introduction of the TIME Program in 2014/15, which provided training to pastors and leaders, resulted in the planting of more churches in various provinces. The program has expanded to involve more pastors and leaders, with plans to continue training in the future. Secondly, visits from the WF General Secretary, the Missionary Society, and others have provided inspiration, motivation, and improved communication within the church. Additionally, the support received, such as bicycles, iron sheets for rural churches, chicken projects, and sewing machines, has contributed to the growth and development of the SDB Church in Zambia.

Furthermore, the establishment of the Africa Bible College (ABC) program has equipped Zambian pastors with training to train others, fostering growth within the church. The ABC program has also enhanced communication among Seventh Day Baptists in Africa and beyond. In terms of projects, The Feeding Spoon Zambia aims to address hunger among orphans, vulnerable children, and the elderly, while the Paradise Orphanage provides education and support to children in need. The church has identified needs and challenges such as the requirement for more bicycles for pastors, boreholes for clean water, and iron sheets in rural areas. The church is taking steps to address these challenges, including revising the constitution and implementing initiatives like the Monthly Pastors Basket to support pastors. The church's goal is to reach out to 5,000 people by 2028. Other prayer concerns are:

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  • The women in Zambia with the support of their friends in America have started some projects such as sewing and chicken rearing to raise money for the purchase of a minibus for evangelism.
  • Prayers for continued growth from ongoing pastoral training programs like TIME.
  • Prayers for visits from world leaders to provide inspiration, motivation, and communication.
  • The success of the Africa Bible College program equipping Zambian pastors.
  • Support for the Feeding Spoon Zambia project to alleviate child hunger and poverty.
  • Continued support for the Paradise Orphanage caring for vulnerable children.
  • Additional resources like more bicycles, boreholes for clean water, and building materials.
  • Strength and provision for livelihood projects to support pastoral care and ministry transport needs.
  • God's continued blessing, guidance and protection over the conference, leadership and members.