Donation Campaigns

  • 8 Donors

    Empower Malawi: Building Brighter Futures

    The Malawi Conference has a few schools and health centers and the Delegates from the World Federation sessions had the opportunity to visit Thembe and Makapwa. However, the schools and health centers in these areas need support to provide better education and healthcare services. These communities face daunting challenges in accessing basic necessities like healthcare and education. The Seventh Day Baptist Central Africa Conference (CAC) is steadfastly committed to empowering the next generation in these communities, and we invite you to join them in this transformative journey.

    Raised $ 3,934.3
  • 12 Donors

    General Operating Costs 2023 - 2028

    Donations towards General Operating Costs help the World Federation achieve its main purposes:
    1. To provide increased communication among Seventh Day Baptist groups around the world.
    2. To promote projects for mutual interest which will benefit from international cooperation. 
    3. To stimulate fellowship among Seventh Day Baptist Christians. 

    Raised $ 2,031.0
    Goal $ 30,000.0
    Days Left 1467
  • 0 Donors

    2028 Sessions

    The SDB World Federation operates as a volunteer organization, meaning that its activities are primarily driven by the dedication and efforts of volunteers who contribute their time and expertise to further the organization's mission.

    The SDB World Federation relies on the generous contributions of individuals and member groups as its sole source of funding. These contributions are crucial to support various initiatives, including the upcoming 2028 sessions. However, contributions are also welcome for country projects and general operating costs. The specific date and location for the sessions are yet to be determined and will be announced in due course.

    Raised $ 0.0
    Goal $ 90,000.0
    Days Left 1528