General Secretary, Douglas de Senne Machado

The executive committee meets at least once between sessions, communicating regularly through Internet. It's made up of officers including vice presidents from each of the seven regions: Africa, Asia, Caribbean, Europe, North America, South Pacific, and South America.
Douglas de Senne Machado

Douglas de Senne Machado was born into a Seventh Day Baptist (SDB) family in Joinville - SC, Brazil on June 25, 1983. Even before his baptism at the age of 15, he had already accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior and was actively involved in the local church's Youth Ministry as a secretary. He has also served two terms on the National Youth Leadership board, first as treasurer and later as vice-president (2014-2018).

Although Douglas is Brazilian, he does not consider himself a soccer fan. However, he enjoys playing the sport occasionally. His true hobby lies in creating websites. At the age of 18, he built his first website for the Brazilian SDB conference, and since then, by God's grace and guidance, he has turned his hobby into a career. Since 2006, he has been working as a PHP web developer. Currently, he volunteers his services in maintaining seven different websites for the Brazilian SDB conference, the Brazilian TIME program, and local Brazilian SDB churches.

In January 2011, the late Pastor Jonas Sommer introduced Douglas to Kamilla Bernardi, with whom he fell in love and eventually married in November 2013. They currently reside in Curitiba and are active members of the Bocaiuva do Sul SDB Church. They are blessed with a beautiful daughter named Rebeca.

Since 2011, Douglas has had numerous opportunities to serve as an English to Portuguese translator for various pastors, including Dale Thorngate (former WF president), Andrew Samuels, David Taylor, and Brother Rob Appel during TIME seminars in Brazil. In 2015, the Missionary Society invited him to join Brother Clinton Brown on a mission trip to Mozambique, where he served as a Portuguese translator. Douglas also served as the Host Committee chairman for the World Federation Sessions held in Curitiba - PR, Brazil in 2017. From 2017 to 2023, he held the position of Vice President for South America.