2019 Week of Prayer - One Thing...

Week of Prayer 2019 - One Thing... Written by Canaan Rabson Karonga Phiri
Year 2022
Number of Pages 1
Book Format EBook
Availability Online, Free

During the first full week of January since 1967, Seventh Day Baptists around the world have united in prayer by sharing in meditations centered on a theme chosen by the author of the SDB Week of Prayer booklet. This year’s theme is “One Thing.” And for the first time, we are encouraging prayers each day of the week for all countries in the world where Seventh Day Baptists exist; not just the countries which are members of the World Federation.

Life is about making choices. A single seemingly small choice made in life can determine or shape one’s entire destiny. Oftentimes we come to a crossroad and no matter what, we need to take one route. “How long will you waver between two opinions? If the Lord is God, follow Him: but if Baal is God, follow Him.” That’s how Elijah challenged the Israelites to choose one (1 King 18: 21). Such crossroads may be physical, emotional or otherwise. Real choices are about leaving one’s comfort zone. While some choices are made as a team, most profound choices are not about groups, they are very personal. Joshua said, “Choose for yourselves today whom you will serve …. but as for me…, I will serve the Lord.” There are times when one needs time to think deeply before taking a decision. Definite spiritual resolutions should be made there and then... “Choose today, whom you want to serve….” (Joshua 24:15). “Today as you hear His voice, harden not your heart” (Hebrews 3:15).

As we commence this year 2019, there will be various choices and resolutions we will be called upon to make in the course of the year. The concept of ‘One Thing’ is about making important decisions of life, amongst several seemingly important things, but ‘One Thing’ will be needful. (Luke 10:42) We will be called upon to select one amongst various possible and lucrative things.

‘One Thing’ is about being focused when faced with several equally important choices of life. ‘One Thing’ is about determination. When bogged down with a lot of challenges and stumbling blocks in our paths, ‘One Thing’ is about striving on to achieve our goal. ‘One Thing’ is about not being complacent or contented, striving to achieve the best even when you may be tempted to believe you are already there. Always feel that you yet have a mile to cover (Philippians 3:12-14).

In this year’s Week of Prayer, we will be exploring the theme, ‘One Thing.’ The Bible has about 16 passages which explicitly has the phrase ‘One Thing.’ However, there are many more that implicitly drive towards the same meaning. As we explore this theme, we will be studying some scriptures where some Biblical characters chose one thing amongst several options or were being asked to make such a choice, and derive our life lessons from there. As we start the New Year, we will have to make our resolutions to guide us throughout the year, we will thus be asked to choose one thing amidst several options.


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