SDB World – July 2015

SDB World – July 2015 Written by Editor: Janet Thorngate - Seventh Day Baptist World
Year: 2015
Author: Andrew, Samuels, Janet & Dale Thorngate
Number of Pages: 6
Book Format: EBook
Availability: Online, Free
Weight: 0
Price: 0

User Rating: 5 / 5

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In this issue:

  • Plans on Schedule: Federation Sessions in Brazil, January 2017 - 1
  • Samuels Visits Member Groups: Australia, New Zealand, Brazil - 1
  • General Secretary’s Message: Celebrate 50 Years of Ministry! - 2
  • President’s Message: My Personal Prayer for the Federation - 2
  • World Federation CALENDAR: 2015-2017 - 3
  • India - 3
  • Australia -3
  • Brown, Samuels Visit SDBs in Jakarta, Australia, New Zealand - 4
  • Preached at 8 churches, 2 big meetings, commencement & more... General Secretary Samuels’ Brazil Trip Report, May 2015 - 5
  • From the Archives: Federation Sessions in Jamaica, 1997 - 6
  • Burundi - 6