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Makapwa Health Centre Requests Written by - 2023 Sessions in Malawi
Ending date and time: 2023-12-20 12:34
Starting date and time: 2023-12-20 12:34

This report below was handed to the delegates who visited Makapwa during the 2023 SDBWF Sessions.

The facility which is located near Thuchila River in the village head man Makombe, T/A Kapichi in Thyolo district. The facility belongs to Seventh Day Baptist church.

The facility has a catchment area population of 14893 in Thyolo in partially Mulanje just across the Thuchila river 

 The services offered are: 

  1. Outpatient department 
  2. Antenatal clinics 
  3. Conducting delivers 
  4. Conducting postnatal checks
  5. Conducting under five clinics
  6. Conducting family planning 
  7. HIV testing and counseling 
  8. Conducting ante-retral viral therapy clinics 
  9. Tuberculosis laboratory and treatment 
  10. Nutrition rehabilitation unity 

Members of Staff 

  • Clinician (1) 
  • Nurses (3) 
  • Hospital attendant (9) 
  • Ground labour (2) 
  • Security guards (3) 

Total: 18

On behalf of the Medical administrator, the medical in charge would like to present the following issues: 

  1.  Effects of the cyclone has affected severely the Seventh Day Baptist Health facilities by damaging the buildings and landscape just near the rivers, which are Thuchila and Makapwa 
  2. Houses of members of staff are not in good condition due to time taken without proper maintenance 
  3. Scarcity of drugs in SDB health facilities due to lack of reliable funds 
  4. Lack of transport which is a barrier in the referral of patients from Makapwa to the district hospital. This is due to the breakdown of the Makapwa ambulance which is still at the garage for maintenance 
  5. Understaffing at the facility. This is coming in due to the retirement of some members of the staff 
  6. Much as the Makapwa facility is struggling the entire management and members of staff are trying to meet community demands in providing quality health services. 
  7. Makapwa facility wishes to offer services as a full hospital including a theatre that will be better for the entire community
  8. The facility would like to be visited by health missionaries e.g. Doctors, Nurses, among others. 



Most of the districts in the country of Malawi received continuous heavy rainfall from 13 -16th March 2023. Mulanje, Phalombe, and Thyolo, among others, are some of the districts that experienced the impacts of this cyclone. Makapwa health center which is located in Thyolo district has been severely affected by cyclone Freddy with the influence of the Thuchira River which runs very close to the health facility to the southwest. 

Disaster Risk Measures 

Prior to Cyclone Freddy, a press release was issued on weather focusing on different social media and other social platforms. 

Experience Of Damages 

As already mentioned before, Makapwa Health Center is having a lot of problems due to severe damages that are hindering patients and clients from accessing quality health care, some people are even at risk of other related diseases. The following are some of the effects of Cyclone Freddy at Makapwa Health Center; 

  1. The outpatient department roof overturned due to heavy winds which were heavily blowing together with continuous rainfall. 
  2.  The general ward developed cracks as the landscape became so wet which caused slight movement of walls. 
  3. Meanwhile, seven staff houses developed clefts as well. This has brought much tension to the occupants, nevertheless, staff are still staying in the same houses because they have nowhere to go. 
  4. Makapwa Health Center engaged in cleaning and treatment of water from the well which was delivered to the facility and surrounding communities through the pipe, but this has come to a sad story because all conduits were washed away by the running waters from Makapwa River to Thuchira river. People are living in much fear due to current running cholera battles which are already in place and this might worsen the condition. 
  5. Waterways which had been constructed to protect the land from erosion have been washed away by running water. Some of the constructions are at risk of getting down due to gradual landslides which are taking place in the places where waterways are damaged. 
  6. The boundaries between Thuchira River Makapwa Health Center have been affected by landslides. 
  7. Larger trees were uprooted leaving the land bear 
  8. Seven toilets from the facility were taken down by heavy rains. 
  9. The road just behind the Maternity Ward has been left with galleys following the erosion of quarry stones. 



Cyclone Freddy has left Makapwa Health Centre in a huge crisis which has brought deviations among staff workers, clients and patients. 


As the facility on its own cannot manage to amend all the damages within the recommended time, meanwhile this has come in a period where Makapwa Health Centre is passing through a financial crisis. Therefore the facility is requesting all well-wishers including NGOs and government stakeholders to help with the little they can manage. 

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